COVID-19 Solution - Changing the rules of the game of life. Please evaluate and disseminate this information as widely as possible. The COVID-19 virus is, in abstraction, just a finite automata propagating through a substrate and that substrate is humanity, most mitigation efforts center around futile attempts to partition off parts of the substrate, other more effective but risky strategies involve modifying the behavior of the substrate to make it hostile to the virus. Great work guys but you got lost in the details and missed something very obvious. Make humanity just a small part of the substrate and make most of it incapable of replicating the virus. So how can we do that? Genetically engineer a lactobacillus bacteria that is ubiquitous in the environment and on human mucosa so that the bacteria expresses the ACE2 (or any other required viral target!) gene so that the virus attempts to merge with the bacteria as if it was a human cell. The bacteria will however be engin...